1) any of various fastenings formed by looping and tying a rope (or cord) upon itself or to another rope or to another object. 2) imbedded remnant of a branch in a tree or cut timber. often harder than surrounding wood.

Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
knot (noun)
a) an interlacement of the parts of one or more flexible bodies forming a lump or knob (as for fastening or tying together)
b) the lump or knob so formed
c) a tight constriction or the sense of constriction - my stomach was all in knots
something hard to solve - problem a matter full of legal knots
a bond of union , especially the marriage bond
a) a protuberant lump or swelling in tissue - a knot in a gland
b) the base of a woody branch enclosed in the stem from which it arises , also its section in lumber
a cluster of persons or things - group
an ornamental bow of ribbon - cockade
a) a division of the log's line serving to measure a ship's speed
b) (1) one nautical mile per hour
(2) one nautical mile - not used technically
a closed curve in three-dimensional space
knot (verb)
transitive verb
to tie in or with a knot form in - knots
to unite closely or intricately - entangle
intransitive verb
- tie knotted the score to form knots
knot (noun)
either of two sandpipers ( and ) that breed in the Arctic and winter in temperate or warm parts of the New and Old World - Calidris canutus C. tenuirostris
knot (Wikipedia)
Artwork with different knots.

A knot is an intentional complication in cordage which may be useful or decorative. Practical knots may be classified as hitches, bends, splices, or knots. A hitch fastens a rope to another object; a bend unites two rope ends; a splice is a multi-strand bend or loop. A knot in the strictest sense serves as a stopper or knob at the end of a rope to keep that end from slipping through a grommet or eye. Knots have excited interest since ancient times for their practical uses, as well as their topological intricacy, studied in the area of mathematics known as knot theory.

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